Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Renovation Recap

Welcome to the Cheney Farmhouse. This little diamond in the rough is a 130 year old farmhouse located in Jamaica, Vermont. Despite its peeling paint and overall haunted appearance, this baby is still standing strong. And level. Two key factors when renovating an antique house, or so I think.

With that said, I must admit that my opinion is one that doesn't really hold much clout in the renovation world. According to my college degree I'm an artist, and according to my upbringing I'm a tomboy that was always tagging along with my dad and older brother; together we built things, dismantled things, soldered things, welded them, sawed them. My renovation skills are basic at best, but the will is there! The other players in this story offer a bit more experience than I. My boyfriend Tony and his sister Mairim are co-owners of this house. Mairim and her husband are both architects, so there is no need to expound upon their skills and know-how. Tony is a man of many acquired renovation talents. He has taught himself how to repair and build any number of things, and is now a skilled builder of furniture in his free time. Their mother is an experienced green thumb, and together, we plan on restoring this house and its 140 acres of Vermont mountain greenery to its former glory.

Please join us and watch as we laugh, cry, work, sweat, freeze and stumble our way through this massive renovation! Let the games begin...
- Melissa

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